Building Ribsarap from Online Selling to a Well-loved Restaurant: The Story of a Determined Mompreneur

Building Ribsarap from Online Selling to a Well-loved Restaurant: The Story of a Determined Mompreneur

Building Ribsarap from Online Selling to a Well-loved Restaurant: The Story of a Determined Mompreneur

“Just FOCUS, BELIEVE, and TRUST the process.” - Angie Barleta

Welcome to our Mother's Day Week Special blog series featuring incredible mompreneurs who have successfully built their businesses while juggling the demands of motherhood. Today, we have the pleasure of chatting with Angie Barleta, the visionary behind Ribsarap—a humble online food business turned into a restaurant chain with 12 branches across Luzon. Angie's story is a testament to the power of determination, resilience, and unwavering belief in oneself. Join us as we delve into her inspiring journey and glean valuable insights for aspiring mompreneurs.

What inspired you to become a mompreneur, and how did you get started?

Angie: I embarked on my entrepreneurial journey in 2020, during the onset of the pandemic. Prior to that, I had a stable job as a manager, content with the status quo. However, when the pandemic hit, financial difficulties arose, and I realized that I needed to secure a better future for my children. This realization ignited a fire within me to step out of my comfort zone and create something extraordinary.

How did you handle balancing your business, marriage, and parenting duties?

Angie: Balancing business, marriage, and parenting is no easy feat. It requires meticulous planning and prioritization. I believe in setting clear goals and scheduling my time effectively. Yes, there were tears shed, and countless challenges faced, but my unyielding belief in myself and my ability to succeed kept me going. I kept repeating, 'I can do it, I can do it,' and gradually, things fell into place. With determination and a strong support system, I managed to find a balance and thrive in all aspects of my life.

What were the biggest challenges you faced, and how did you overcome them?

Angie: One of the biggest challenges I encountered was battling the opinions of others. People often questioned my decision to transition from a managerial role to running an online food business. They couldn't comprehend why I would choose the latter when the former seemed more prestigious. However, I realized that their judgments didn't define me or my success. I reflected on my financial struggles as a manager and understood that this business was more than just a restaurant; it was my livelihood, my means to support my family, and achieve financial independence. Overcoming that mental barrier empowered me to pay my bills, my car, my house, and even travel.

By shutting out the negativity and focusing on my own path, I overcame these challenges and continued to flourish.

What tips or advice do you have for other moms who want to start a business while raising a family?

Angie: My advice to fellow moms is simple yet profound—FOCUS, BELIEVE, and TRUST the process. When you set your sights on a goal, give it your undivided attention. Believe in your abilities and the unique value you bring to the table. Trust that the challenges you encounter are stepping stones towards your success. Embrace your journey as a mompreneur and let your passion fuel your drive to create something remarkable.

Angie, please share the name of your business and the products or services you offer.

Angie: My business is called Ribsarap, and we specialize in mouthwatering ribs, succulent steaks, and delectable wings. Our goal is to provide a satisfying and memorable dining experience for our customers.

Finally, could you please provide your social media account handles or usernames for your business?

Angie: Absolutely! You can find and support Ribsarap on Facebook and Instagram by searching for @Ribsarap. We would love to connect with our readers and share our delicious offerings, promotions, and upcoming events.

Facebook page:

Instagram page:



Angie Barleta's journey from an online business to owning 12 successful restaurant branches across Luzon is truly inspiring. Her story exemplifies the power of resilience, determination, and unwavering belief in oneself. As aspiring mompreneurs, we can draw valuable insights from Angie's experiences and apply them to our own entrepreneurial endeavors.

First and foremost, Angie's story reminds us that stepping out of our comfort zones can lead to incredible opportunities. When faced with financial difficulties during the pandemic, she didn't let fear hold her back. Instead, she embraced the challenge and transformed her online business into a culinary empire. This serves as a powerful reminder that the most significant growth often happens outside our comfort zones.

Moreover, Angie's emphasis on balancing business, marriage, and parenting duties highlights the importance of effective time management and setting clear priorities. By dedicating herself to her goals, scheduling tasks, and seeking support from her loved ones, she managed to thrive in all aspects of her life. It's a reminder that, with proper planning and determination, we can navigate the complexities of being both a mom and an entrepreneur.

Angie's journey also teaches us the significance of self-belief and tuning out the opinions of others. Despite facing skepticism and criticism from those around her, Angie stayed true to her vision and proved that success is defined by our own terms. As aspiring mompreneurs, we should trust our instincts, recognize our unique strengths, and have confidence in our ability to create something extraordinary.

Lastly, let's show our support for Angie and her business, Ribsarap. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram (@Ribsarap) to stay updated on their delicious offerings, promotions, and upcoming events. Together, we can celebrate the accomplishments of remarkable mompreneurs like Angie and draw inspiration from their journeys.

So, fellow mompreneurs, let's embrace Angie Barleta's story as a reminder that with determination, focus, and unwavering belief, we too can build thriving businesses while nurturing our families. Let's support each other, celebrate our achievements, and continue to inspire one another on this beautiful journey of motherhood and entrepreneurship.